NDE workforce availability for the power industry. This project
was initiated in response to the concern of the nuclear power industry
about the future availability of the NDE workforce--that there will
be a gap between the number of qualified personnel required for in-service
inspections and the workforce available to meet these requirements.
The objective was to project the NDE workforce available to the nuclear
power industry from the year 2004 through the year 2013. The study
was designed to update past projections in light of recent developments,
providing utilities a better basis for personnel planning. The results
update the projected demand and supply curves for NDE personnel and
provide updated information and insights for future personnel planning.
The approach consisted of collecting and analyzing NDE personnel requirements
from nuclear plants, NDE career plans and problems from NDE personnel,
and NDE entry-level training information from organizations that conduct
NDE training. Requirements data were collected from 32 nuclear power
plants, from137 NDE personnel (72 employed by utilities and 65 by
in-service inspection contractors), and from 12 training organizations
that currently or previously provided entry-level NDE training for
the nuclear power industry (EPRI).
Multi-tasking Ability Test (MTAT). The MTAT was designed to predict performance in real-world environments that demand high levels of multi-tasking activity, such as emergency dispatching, air traffic control, and emergency nursing. Individuals most likely to perform well may be selected for employment or assigned to these environments, thereby reducing the high training costs and excessive turnover that often accompanies such jobs. The validated test is web-based, takes less than 15 minutes, and requires no prior training. The test has been validated on both highly-controlled job simulations and in real-world training settings.
Personnel Selection for Multi-Tasking. Defined the important
tasks and A model of MT environments
was developed as the project framework to delineate how MT environments
might vary and to identify characteristics they might have in common.
Model development was based on previous research augmented by interviews
of subject matter experts in ten Army jobs. Model typology describes
three dimensions of MT environments according to demands placed on
workers. The typology also encompasses individual differences, addressing
variables that might differentially influence performance in different
MT environments. The model serves as the basis for developing a measurement
approach to assess key individual predictor variables specific to
the three kinds of multi-tasking environments.
Automotive maintenance job knowledge test. Defined the important
tasks and job dimensions of automotive maintenance personnel, and
developed two forms of an automotive maintenance job knowledge test.
American Telephone and Telegraph Company)
The Dynamic Inspection Aptitude Test (DIAT). Designed to predict
success on inspection jobs that require the combined aptitudes of
general cognitive ability, abstract reasoning, and spatial visualization,
the test is computer administered and scored, requiring 36 minutes
of testing time. Validation studies showed that the test is highly
reliable, correlated with other measures of these key aptitudes, and
is predictive of the job performance of nondestructive testing operators.
Course developer certification test. Developed and validated
two forms of a certification test for developers of telecommunications
training courses. Identified knowledge and skill requirements for
which job incumbents should be certified; constructed test items;
conducted item analyses; and assessed the reliability and validity
of the resulting test forms. (Pacific Bell)
Curriculum developer certification validation. Conducted a
validation study to permit the use by New York Telephone of the Curriculum
Developer Certification program, developed by Anacapa Sciences for
Pacific Bell (New York Telephone)
Data entry skills test. Defined the tasks performed by data
entry clerks, and developed two equivalent forms of a data entry skills
test. Employed a microprocessor with representative keyboard configurations
to administer the test semi-automatically and score the test automatically.
(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)
Flight Aptitude Selection Test (FAST) development. Developed
and validated a battery of aviation-related tests to be used to select
applicants for Army helicopter pilot training. The operational version
of the new FAST was also pre-tested to collect normative data and
to ensure the equivalence of alternate forms of the battery. (Army
Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)
Engineering certification program. Developed a certification
program, based on certification testing, for outside plant engineers
of a telecommunications company. Conducted a detailed analysis of
the tasks performed by outside engineers; developed and validated
a certification test consisting of nine test modules; provided test
booklets, scoring keys, instructions, and a test administration guide.
Test modules were found to be valid (correlations with individual
and consolidated measures of job performance ranged from 0.44 to 0.82)
and reliable (reliability estimates ranged from 0.80 to 0.97 for the
various modules). (Pacific Bell)
Minicourse for advanced cable repair. Conducted job analyses
and developed a miniature training and evaluation course for the selection
and subsequent qualification of cable repair technicians on fiber-optic
transmission systems, digital multiplexing systems , and related technical
advances. (American Telephone & Telegraph Company)
Employment and transfer systems analysis. Conducted a system
analysis of the Bell System non-management employment selection and
transfer processes. Tracked over 11,000 applicants and transfer candidates
in 11 offices and bureaus, surveyed all Bell System placement organizations;
assessed perceptions of the process by all classes of system users;
and provided recommendations for improving the system. (American Telephone
and Telegraph Company)
Employment systems model. Developed a computer-based analytical
tool for evaluating Bell Systems employment and transfer systems.
MATES, the Model for Applicant and Transfer Employment Systems, enables
an analyst to construct a variety of employment/placement systems
and assess the employment costs, downrange financial consequences,
and expected job success rates with each. (American Telephone and
Telegraph Company)
Army aviator retention. Conducted an extensive review of military
aviator retention research to identify the factors that, historically,
have been related to the retention of military aviators. Used the
information to develop a separation questionnaire to be completed
by Army aviation warrant officer retirees. (Army Military Personnel
Placement center consolidation. Analyzed the economic feasibility
and practicality of consolidating a large number of small employment
offices and transfer bureaus into a small number of larger offices.
Determined the cost savings associated with mechanizing certain functions
once the offices are consolidated. (American Telephone & Telegraph
Selection of outside plant engineers. Identified modifications
to the initial screening of transfer and direct-hire applicants for
the Outside Engineering position which would result in increased productivity.
Analyzed personnel profiles and related personnel factors to measures
of engineering productivity. Provided recommendations for applicant
screening and placement. (Pacific Bell) |