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Training and Simulation

Simulator Design and Development

Portable, Reconfigurable Intelligent Symbology Simulator (PRISMS). PRISMS was originally developed as a helicopter flight simulator with capabilities to demonstrate helmet-mounted display (HMD) symbology. Subsequently, it has been used with other systems for other purposes. The Army uses PRISMS with a special motion model for RAH-66 Comanche helicopter familiarization. NASA uses PRISMS for Mars Lander and Rover simulations. Features include a gaming area of realistic terrain, multiple moving targets, photo-textured objects, 3D sound, voice synthesis and recognition, and full flight controls.

Scenario Design and Assessment Tool for Training (ScenDATT). ScenDATT is a computer-based system developed to support the design of training scenarios in accordance with principles of Instructional System Design (ISD). Operating in either design or education mode, the system supports both experienced and novice analysts and course developers. The system was developed under a Phase I Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) in coordination with training personnel at the Naval Air Station, North Island, California. It was developed within the context of training scenarios for S-3B aircraft mission simulator sessions (Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division).

Autorotation trainer. Autorotation is a maneuver that permits a safe helicopter landing when the engine loses power. A catastrophe may occur if the pilot's control inputs are incorrect, or poorly timed.  Due to the danger involved, full-touchdown autorotations are very rarely practiced.  Because in-flight autorotation training is risky, time-consuming, and expensive, the PRISMS simulator was used to develop the first autorotation trainer. A task analysis was performed to identify the procedural steps in the autorotation, to inventory the information needed to support student task performance, to identify typical errors, and to structure the simulator's practice environment. The system provides immediate knowledge of results, extensive practice of perceptual-motor skills, part-task training, and augmented cueing in a realistic cockpit environment. (NASA-Ames Research Center)

Simulator Research and Analysis

Optimization of the design and use of Army flight simulators. Surveyed Army aviator training requirements and state-of-the-art technology in flight simulators. Defined the research required to determine the most cost-effective level of fidelity for four simulator components: the visual system, the motion systems (platform and force-cueing), the math models that determine the handling qualities of the flight simulator, and the cockpit displays and controls. Defined research required to determine how best to use production flight simulators--simulators that have been or are soon to be acquired by the Army. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Display symbology training module. Developed a training module for display symbology using a microcomputer-videodisk training system. The module will be used in the AH-64 Aviator Qualification Course for developing basic skills in symbology recognition, interpretation, and integration, and during AH-64A operational unit sustainment training. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

In-simulator skill acquisition and backward transfer. Designed and conducted studies to determine the rate of skill acquisition for 20 critical maneuvers by rated AH-1S aviators in the production model AH-1 flight simulator. The study employed a backward transfer analysis in addition to defining in-simulator skill acquisition curves for each of the 20 maneuvers. Results were used to identify fidelity problems and to define requirements for simulator training modules. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Data base modeling for the Simulator Complexity Testbed. Provided data base modeling support for the Simulator Complexity Testbed (SCTB) AH-64 research simulator. Developed a data base model of Hanchey Army Heliport (Fort Rucker, Alabama), data base modeling software tools, and documentation standards for data base models. Defined data base modeling requirements for SCTB experiments and modified target models to meet experimental requirements. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Gunnery training effectiveness. Designed and conducted research to evaluate the effectiveness of the AH-1 Flight and Weapons Simulator (FWS) for sustaining crew gunnery skills over a 15-month period. Collected objective performance data on a live-fire gunnery range before and after sustainment training in the FWS. Estimated the ammunition requirements for sustaining gunnery proficiency. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Effectiveness of AIRNET for training collective tasks. Conducted analyses and experimental research to evaluate the effectiveness of the fully reconfigurable and generic versions of the aviation networked simulator system (AIRNET) for conducting collective training. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Perceptual biases in flight simulator visual systems. Designed and conducted research to assess the type and magnitude of perceptual biases exhibited by experienced aviators in judging altitude from the scene displayed on a camera/modelboard visual system and a laser-scan/modelboard visual system. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Aircrew coordination requirements. Evaluated the proposed crew coordination requirements in the draft Aircrew Training Manual (ATM) for the AH-64 attack helicopter. Developed a simulator-based scenario and performance measurement instruments and evaluated the performance of five aircrews in the Combat Mission Simulator (CMS). (Army Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization)

Simulator-based training system model. Used information and state-of-the-art modeling techniques to develop a model that characterizes a simulator-based aviation training system. Emphasized use of the model as decision aid in performing such tasks as: assessing cost-effectiveness of alternate training system concepts, assessing system sensitivity to proposed modifications of system components (devices, methods, or both), assessing system capability to accommodate increased student flow, identifying system changes that will improve utility and/or validity of the simulator, and identifying research that will lead to more innovative training devices and methods. (HumRRo, Army Research Institute, and Program Manager for Training Devices)

Performance Measurement and Evaluation

Evaluation of contractor mission instructors for special operations training. Designed and conducted research to evaluate the effectiveness of contractor mission instructors in the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Basic Mission Qualification Course. (Army Aviation Systems Command)

Evaluation of TSTT as work sample test. Evaluated the target acquisition and designation sight selected task trainer (TSTT) as a potential work sample test for selecting applicants for the AH-64A (Apache) attack helicopter qualification course. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Gunnery training effectiveness of AH-64A Combat Mission Simulator. Designed and conducted research to evaluate the effectiveness of the AH-64A Combat Mission Simulator (CMS) for sustaining crew gunnery skills. Collected objective performance data on a live-fire gunnery range before and after sustainment training in the CMS. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Evaluation of aircrew coordination. Evaluated the integration of aircrew coordination into the AH-64 initial pilot training course. Developed modified gradeslips, course critiques, and observer checklists to document problems in teaching and evaluating the crew coordination requirements of selected maneuvers. (Army Aviation Training Brigade)

Gunnery training standards. Evaluated the difficulty of standards in the Army's helicopter gunnery manual for AH-64A crew gunnery qualification and identified variables that influenced AH-64A gunnery performance. Developed a method for establishing gunnery standards that were more measurable and realistic. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Aircrew performance in aircraft and simulators. Developed improved instructor pilot rating methods and instruments for use in assessing and diagnosing helicopter aircrew performance in both aircraft and flight simulators. The system reduces the subjectivity inherent in flight evaluations and provides standardized characteristics of pilot performance. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Aviation ammunition and gunnery survey. Developed two survey forms (one for individual aviators and one for unit commanders) to assess ammunition requirements, range usage, simulator usage, and training manual usage in Army aviation gunnery training. The survey forms were administered in aviation units worldwide. The results were used to determine unit ammunition allocations and to improve the Army gunnery training program. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Performance measurement system. Identified the population of system state variables and operator control input variables available in the AH-1 flight simulator. Specified desired sampling rates and format for each variable. Worked with systems engineering personnel in developing the software and hardware required for encoding trial and subject identifiers for manually activating/deactivating the performance measurement system, and for recording the desired measures. Developed analytic methods and developed the computer software required to perform the analyses. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Training required to sustain flying skills. Conducted research to determine the effect of amount of practice and flight experience on sustainment of Army helicopter pilot flight skills. Used data from research to revise aviator training requirements in the Army's Aircrew Training Manuals. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity and Army Aviation Center Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization)

Training Courses and Materials

Tactical pattern recognition and decision training. Developed and evaluated a course for training Army Brigade and Battalion Commanders in rapid recognition of battlefield patterns. Used state-of-the-art knowledge acquisition techniques to determine battlefield patterns that commanders learn to recognize and use only after years of experience. Identified critical features and meaningful variations within battlefield patterns and developed a portfolio of patterns to serve as the basis of a Rapid Tactical Decision Training (RTDT) course. (Army Research Institute)

Human factors courses. Developed and conducted courses in the fundamentals of human factors for engineering and design for a broad range of clients in government, industry, and the military. The four-day seminar provided an appreciation and understanding of the human factors principles and techniques needed to design products for human use. The seminar promoted active participation through demonstrations, exercises, and workshops. Sessions included the human factors model, task analysis, principles of display/control design, human-computer interface design, layout principles and methods, link analysis, and test and evaluation. Conducted special courses to meet the needs of manufacturers of biomedical equipment, nuclear power systems, automobiles, aerospace systems, and telephone and communications systems.

MOSS Instructors Guide. Studied the skill and knowledge elements of the Navy's only expert on creation of audio tapes for the Mobile Submarine Simulator (MOSS), and developed a course of study based upon Instructional Systems Design techniques, so that other Navy personnel could prepare these tapes without errors that would identify the simulators as decoys to skilled enemy sonar experts. (Naval Ocean Systems Center)

Individual Ready Reserve aviator training. Prepared a comprehensive program for retraining Army Individual Ready Research (IRR) aviators who have not flown for periods varying from 2 to 15 years prior to the commencement of IRR training. Prepared a training concept and all required training materials and methods, including a detailed flight training schedule, a student study guide, an instructor's guide, and a comprehensive set of reference materials. Trained a sample of IRR aviators for two consecutive years and use the results to evaluate and refine the training program and to formulate recommendations about its implementation. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Interactive videodisk map interpretation and terrain analysis course (MITAC). Developed a self-paced, interactive videodisk system for training Army aviators to use topographic maps for map-of-the-earth navigation and tactical planning. Evaluated the training effectiveness of the system and used the results to (a)árefine the training content, the interactive methods and capability, the navigation exercise format, and the design of the supporting software, and (b) assess the cost-effectiveness of producing other videodisk-based training systems. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Interactive videotape preflight inspection training package. Developed a self-paced interactive videotape for use in training aviators to perform a walk-around inspection of the AH-1S (Cobra) attack helicopter. Evaluated the system's training effectiveness and used the results to refine the system design, to determine the system's cost-effectiveness, and to compare the cost-effectiveness of interactive videotape systems with interactive videodisk systems. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Analysis of Training Requirements

Requirements for armor embedded training. Surveyed Army training documents, interviewed 36 armor training experts, and described existing systems and approaches for using interactive computer systems to train individuals in the use of the system itself. Determined high-payoff applications for embedded training in future armored vehicles and identified specific tasks and techniques for embedding training modules. Identified embedded training advantages and disadvantages, listed armor tasks most in need of training aids, and developed sample training modules for vehicle identification, direction of main gun engagements, and call for/adjustment of artillery fire. (Delco Systems Operations)

AH-64 training requirements. Conducted a detailed mission/task/workload analysis for the AH-64A (Apache) helicopter. Compared with tasks published in the AH-64A Program of Instruction and Flight Training Guide. Developed a matched list of tasks from the two sources, presented in the sequence of a tactical mission scenario, in a format acceptable for input to an AH-64A training systems model. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Armor training in combat units. Developed, evaluated, and demonstrated methods to select and prioritize armor crew tasks. Defined the scope, content, and methods to employ in training packages to be used to train armor crew personnel in their duty position, cross-train them for other crew positions, and prepare crewmen for combat after mobilization. (Army Research Institute)

Army National Guard aviator training requirements. Determined if Army National Guard (ARNG) aviators require additional training time to meet current aviation training requirements and identified the factors that influence the need for additional training time. Administered questionnaires to all ARNG aviators to assess their ability to meet the requirements in the amount of training time currently allocated. Compiled monthly training logs to determine the amount of time actually spent meeting specific types of training requirements. Formulated recommendations about training system changes that serve to eliminate training obstacles and otherwise increase training effectiveness. (Army Research Institute, Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Aviation Resource Management Survey (ARMS). Identified critical variables used to evaluate the management of U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard aviation training resources. Developed questionnaires to evaluate the detection difficulty, functional area importance, and mission criticality of 670 inspection checklist items. (Army Research Institute Aviation Research and Development Activity)

Evaluation criteria for sonar operator training. Developed a tool for identifying new skill and knowledge requirements for equipment being designed and/or for assessing the completeness and validity of training recommendations provided by sonar manufacturing organizations engaged in the development of new sonar systems. (Naval Sea Systems Command)

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Anacapa Training Products Company Staff Publications