team process behaviors of F-16 pilots are being identified in research
conducted for the AFRL and Crew Training International (CTI). A key
part of the study is the construction of robust, reliable, and valid
behaviorally-anchored rating scales (BARS) that can be used by fighter
pilots (rather than researchers) to collect qualitative and quantitative
data. The results are to be used to augment current CRM training.
The objective is to couple team process data with observed mission
performance outcomes to accelerate the learning of vital team-oriented
Individual and crew behavioral processes in C-130 operations are being
investigated in a study conducted for the AFRL and Lockheed Martin.
In support of an Air Force working group that is re-defining and re-structuring
CRM training, the purpose of the effort is to identify areas in which
CRM behaviors can be strengthened. Data employed for the effort are
being obtained from naturalistic observations of crews undergoing
simulator training, reviews of flight safety records and analyses
of training records.
View a slide-show
presentation of the project
an email to Project Director Alan Spiker