- Formal training in cognitive psychology,
experimental design, statistics, and program evaluation.
- Twenty-six years of postdoctoral experience,
including advanced military systems research, man-machine interface
assessments, display requirements analyses, laboratory studies
of symbol and color perception, information systems development,
and multivariate statistical analyses.
- Author of 210 publications-journal
articles, book chapters, conference papers, and technical reports
Extensive training and experience in the application of statistical
methods to the analysis of experiments, evaluations, and field
- Directed more than 75 projects for the US Airforce, Army, Navy,
and industry.
- Specializing in design of advanced
military and commercial avionics systems, quantitative studies
of human performance, development of computer-based training systems,
and evaluation of user functional requirements.
- Licensed engineering psychologist in
the state of California (PJ 9936).
- Certified Human Factors Psychologist
(BCPE #120).
- Co-recipient of the 1991 Alexander
C. Williams Award of the Human Factors Society.
- Co-recipient of the 1997 Best Paper
Award at the Interscience/Industry Training Systems Equipment
Conference (IITSEC).
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1978;
- M.A., University of New Mexico, 1976;
- B.A., University of Iowa, 1973; Psychology
and Mathematics
- 1982 - Now Anacapa Sciences, Inc.
- Senior Scientist and Principal Scientist
- 1980 - 1982 Center for Health Services
& Policy Research, Northwestern University. - Research Associate
- 1979 - 1980 University of Texas at
San Antonio. - Assistant Professor
- 1973 - 1978 University of New Mexico.
- NIMH Experimental Psychology Trainee
Spiker, V.A. & Silver, M.D. (2003, September).
Impact assessment of a crew resource management (CRM) debriefing
tool for the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC). (ASI
TR-1451). Santa Barbara, CA: Anacapa Sciences, Inc.
Spiker, V.A., Wilson, D.D., & Deen, C.G. (2003, April). CRM
and mission performance during C-130 mission-oriented stimulator training.
Presented at the 12th Annual Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton,
Spiker, V.A. & Willis, P.L. (2003, June). Analysis of C-130
training records to identify critical CRM behaviors. (ASI TR 1392-2).
Santa Barbara, CA: Anacapa Sciences, Inc.
Spiker, V.A., Nullmeyer, R.T., & Tourville, S.J. (2001, November).
Relationship between mission preparation and performance during combat
mission training. Proceedings of the 22nd Interservice/Industry
Training Systems and Education Conference. Orlando, FL.
Spiker, V.A., Tourville, S.J., Bragger, MAJ J., Dowdy, TSG D., &
Nullmeyer, R.T. (1999, December). Measuring C-5 crew coordination
proficiency in an operational wing. Proceedings of the 20th Interservice/Industry
Training Systems and Education Conference. Orlando, FL.
Spiker, V.A., Harp, S.F., & Moffitt, K.W. (1999, November). Displaying
large maintenance schematics on a laptop computer-Development of the
FocalView concept. (ASI Technical Report 315-1). Santa Barbara, CA:
Anacapa Sciences, Inc.
Spiker, V.A., Tourville, S.J., & Nullmeyer, R.T. (1997, December).
Networked simulation and combat mission training. Proceedings of
the 18th Interservice/Industry Training Systems and Education Conference.
Orlando, FL.
Spiker, V.A., Nullmeyer, R.T., Tourville, S.J., & Silverman, D.R.
(1997, September). Effects of mission preparation on crew combat
mission training performance. Paper presented at the 41st Annual
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
Spiker, V.A. (1997, June). Measuring the usability of plant procedures.
Procedures Review, 3, 5-10.
Spiker, V.A. (1997, March). Expert associate for generating individualized
simulation training scenarios. Evaluation plan for the MH-53J WST
enhanced instructor operator station (I-EOS). Mesa, AZ: Aircrew
Training Research Division, Armstrong Laboratory.
Spiker, V.A. & Nullmeyer, R.T. (1995, April). Benefits and limitations
of simulation-based mission planning and rehearsal. Eight International
Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio.
Spiker, V.A., Dick, R., Campbell, J.L., & Matula, D.E. (1992).
Tactical visualization aids for the evolution of integrated electronic
warfare. Santa Barbara, CA: Anacapa Sciences, Inc.
Spiker, V.A. (1990). Designing a graduate training curriculum to meet
the challenges of a nonacademic career. In J.H. Cantor, C.C. Spiker,
& L.P. Lipsitt (Eds.), Child behavior and development: Training
for diversity. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Spiker, V.A., Rogers, S.P., & Cicinelli, J. (1986). Selecting
color codes for a computer-generated topographic map based on perception
experiments and functional requirements. Ergonomics, 29, 1313-1328.
Spiker, V.A. (1986). Predicting individual differences in reaction
time from variable criterion theory. In L.P. Lipsitt and J.H. Cantor
(Eds.) Essays and experiments in honor of Charles Spiker. Hillsdale,
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Spiker, V.A., & Rogers, S.P. (1986, November). Requirements
definition for a computer-generated map display system for high-performance
aircraft. Paper presented at the Avionics Technical Symposium
of the American Defense Preparedness Association, San Diego, CA.
Spiker, V.A., Rogers, S.P., & Cicinelli, J. (1986, May). Choosing
colors and luminances for a CRT map display. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Society for Information Display, San Diego,
Spiker, V.A., Harper, W.R., & Hayes, J.F. (1986). The effect of
job experience on the maintenance proficiency of Army automotive mechanics.
Human Factors, 27, 301-311.
Spiker, V.A., Rogers, S.P., & Cicinelli, J. (1985, April). Selecting
color codes for a computer-generated topographic map based on perception
experiments and functional requirements. Paper presented at the
Third Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH.